
We have moved! The latest version of this document can be found on
Version information
This section applies to the in-development crmsh 2.0+ only.

crm can be configured using both a system-wide configuration file, and a per-user configuration file. The values set in the user-local file take precedence over the system-wide settings.

The global configuration file is usually installed at /etc/crm/crm.conf, and the user-local configuration file at ~/.config/crm/crm.conf.

Upgrading from crm 1.x to 2.x

The configuration file format and location changed significantly going from crm 1.x to 2.x. If crm cannot find a user-local configuration file when starting up, it will look for an old-style configuration file at ~/.crm.rc. If this file exists, crm will prompt the user asking if the old-style configuration should be automatically converted to a new-style configuration file.

Format description

The settings file consists of sections introduced by a [section] header, and followed by name=value pairs.

Leading whitespace is stripped from values.

Values can contain format strings referring to other values in the same section.

Lines starting with # or ; are interpreted as comments.

Values starting with $ are interpreted as environment variable references, and the value will be retrieved from the named environment variable if set.

Example configuration

The example configuration below lists all available options and their default values.

editor = $EDITOR
pager = $PAGER
user =
skill_level = expert
sort_elements = yes
check_frequency = always
check_mode = strict
wait = no
add_quotes = yes
manage_children = ask
force = no
debug = no
ptest = ptest, crm_simulate
dotty = dotty
dot = dot

sharedir = /usr/share/crmsh
cache = /var/cache/crm
crm_config = /var/lib/pacemaker/cib
crm_daemon_dir = /usr/lib64/pacemaker
crm_daemon_user = hacluster
ocf_root = /usr/lib/ocf
crm_dtd_dir = /usr/share/pacemaker
pe_state_dir = /var/lib/pacemaker/pengine
heartbeat_dir = /var/lib/heartbeat
hb_delnode = /usr/share/heartbeat/hb_delnode
nagios_plugins = /usr/lib64/nagios/plugins

style = color
error = red bold
ok = green bold
warn = yellow bold
info = cyan
help_keyword = blue bold underline
help_header = normal bold
help_topic = yellow bold
help_block = cyan
keyword = yellow
identifier = normal
attr_name = cyan
attr_value = red
resource_reference = green
id_reference = green
score = magenta
ticket = magenta

Loading and saving options

Options are loaded from the global configuration file first, and the user-local file second. This means that the user-local options take precedence over the global configuration.

When changing an option using the options sublevel, the configuration file is written to disk with the new value.

Syntax highlighting

By default, crm will try to syntax highlight its output when connected to a TTY. To disable this behavior, set the configuration value style = none in the [color] section.

The available color choices may depend on the terminal used, but normally include the following:

black blue green cyan red magenta yellow white

Colors can be combined with styles:

bold blink dim reverse underline normal

Setting options from the interactive shell

Options can be set directly from the interactive shell using the options sublevel. These options will be written to the per-user configuration file. Note that changing an option in this way may erase comments added to the configuration file.